5 Jobs You Can Land with A Project Management Certificate

Unemployed? Job hunting? Feeling lost and confused about your future career prospects? Well, don't despair just yet. There are a lot of great jobs out there that you can land with just a Project Management Professional (PMP) certificate., which is one of the most popular and sought-after certifications in multiple industries. Here are 5 jobs that you can land with a PMP certificate:


Project Manager 

A project manager is a highly sought-after position, as they are responsible for the successful completion of large-scale projects and juggling multiple tasks within budget and deadlines. They monitor progress and project status while managing teamwork, working cohesively with staff and leading a team to success. To be eligible for this type of role, many employers look for individuals who have obtained their Project Management Professional (PMP) certificate which can be obtained through Formatech. With this certification, aspiring project managers can stand out in the job market and increase their chances of landing a well-paid role in the industry.


Business Analyst

A business analyst is an essential role in any organization - they continually assess processes, analyze requirements and procedures, and develop strategies to ensure the success of the organization. With a project management certificate, analysts can benefit significantly by applying the knowledge gained to their analysis process. This certificate provides valuable skills for problem-solving, critical thinking and communication, which are all extremely useful in the job of a business analyst. 


Project Management Consultant

Businesses are ever-changing and evolving, creating a need for consultation from qualified project management consultants. Through consultation, Project Management Consultants provide expertise across technical areas such as planning, scheduling, risk management, and budgeting.  Becoming certified can lead to job opportunities as a Project Management Consultant where you can use your skills effectively to guide organizations of all types towards success.


Product Manager

Product Managers play a significant role in developing products today, as they are responsible for the entire product life cycle, from concept to launch. Product Managers must have a deep understanding of the technical and functional aspects of both physical and digital products, including features, cost structure and market feedback. With a PMP certificate from Formatech, professionals can be reassured that their skills will be up-to-date in the constantly changing world of Product Management.


IT Project Manager

IT Project Managers certified in the latest cloud-based solutions help businesses stay current with their technology infrastructures, enabling them to remain competitive. This role requires an ability to use technology and understand its potential implications, while also being able to direct team dynamics and balance customer needs. The Project Manager certification opens doors for both experienced IT professionals as well as those looking for a start in the field.

A Project Management Professional (PMP) certificate can open up a variety of job opportunities with great potential. With this certification, you could become a project manager, engineering project manager, project management consultant, product manager, or IT project manager. Earning potential and job stability are some of the reasons why many people choose to pursue careers in project management. Which job position are you considering after getting your PMP certificate? Let us know in the comments.